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Sunday, May 22, 2011

HCB: Barcelona Brownie Bars

I was so looking forward to making this, hence why this is the 1st item in this HCB continuation bake through. I recently saw a couple of post in Rose's forum about how good and chocolate-y this is. Needless to say, I was intrigued. We all need a chocolate fix every now and then (if not all the time) and this one sounds like it fits the bill.

The cake is so easy to make. It takes just as long to make this cake as weighing all the little cavity of the silicone mold with 45 grams of batter.

First you toast some pecans in the oven for 7 minutes. While that is cooling, melt some chocolate with a LOT of butter. If you're making the full recipe, it's 9 tablespoon! Once it's all melted, whisk in the eggs and vanilla. I love that Rose gave the instruction on mixing by hand, which is what I ended up doing. It's nice not to dirty up 1 more thing!

Once the eggs are all mixed, measured the flour, sugar, and salt and mix it all in. Finally, mix in the pecans.

I was curious to know why this recipe is so different than any of the other ones in the book, what with melting that much butter with some chocolate. But then upon researching on the internet, it turns out that this is how brownies are made, with melted butter. DUH! I can tell you I didn't feel particularly smart after this discovery, haha, but hey, I've never made brownies before.

I decided to skip the ganache as I've heard from Marie and others that it's too rich with it.

Tasting impressions:
This is a very rich and chocolate-y brownie. After I finish my piece I can taste the richness of the butter. It is pretty good. I wish I could say it's awesome but I'm not a huge brownie fan to begin with.


  1. Your's are adorable! I enjoyed making these for a free bake week. I'll definitely make them again.
    I only have nine cakes, I think, left to make, including The Bomba.

  2. Those look great! What are the white swirls, buttercream? Beautifully photographed, too.

  3. i love how you decorated them! for not being a brownine fan, calling these "pretty good" is a ringing endorsement!

  4. I love how you decorated it too!! I have lots of cakes left on the list..i have to catch up..after i moved over to my new place. :)

  5. Nice of you to make these if you're not a huge brownie fan! If you were, you'd adore them.

  6. Vicki, 9 cakes! Congrats! You'll be there in no time!

    Julie, the swirls are practice buttercream that I made to practice piping. Not very good ingredients (butter, margarine, shortening) but for practice it works well.

    ECL, at first I photograph them as is but it's missing something. So out came the practice bc and chocolate pearls.

    Faithy, thanks! Glad you liked the decoration. I've missed you baking, hurry up and move!

    Marie, so happy to have you comment. I freeze some of the brownie. Maybe if I eat 1 a day I'd be more of a brownie fan? :)

  7. Like everyone else I'm loving the decoration on them too. I had a hard time styling them as well for hte photos!

  8. Wow, that's a 4-star brownie! I love how you decorated it. I had made these before and loved them. Super-chocolaty (so a little bit goes a long way).
    Since I made these before (and I just came back from my long trip and am still jetlagged), I skipped them.


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